Even after he was changed and clean, he continued to cry inconsolably. We decided to just start the interview despite the wails. Amy was very nice but seemed a little distracted because it was so loud. To her credit, she didn't make me feel like a horrible parent. In fact, she offered a few suggestions to help calm Gus down. Eventually he stopped and the rest of the visit went smoothly. Of all the days!
For those curious, she asked about:
- his height and weight
- how he was eating
- where he sleeps and his schedule
- how we were doing (both individually and as a couple)
- doctor visits
All in all not too bad. David said it's probably good that Gus was crying when she was visiting because it showed her how I handle the baby when he's upset. I'm on the fence about that theory but hey, only 3 more visits to go!
Speaking of being a bad parent, here's a photo series I call, "Things On My Baby's Head"