Since announcing our intention to adopt, we have gotten a huge outpouring of support from our friends and family. Thanks everyone!

I've also been getting a lot of similar questions so I thought I'd share some of the statistics our agency has given us. These numbers are specifically from 2006 and for Adoption Connection only.
- Average time to complete an adoption was 12 months. They said to expect anywhere from 6-18 months.
- Ethnicity of babies placed
breaks down like this:
African American - 7
Asian/Pacific islander - 2 (but keep your fingers crossed mom and dad)
Caucasian - 29 (I know, right?)
Mixed - 12
Hispanic - 1
East Indian - 0
Native American - 0
- Average of 9 families per year leave the program due to various circumstances. Reasons include getting pregnant, moving out of the area, or just
changing their minds.
- LGBT couples make up 14% of families who adopted. Singles were at 6%. Convicted criminals and children tied at 0%
- 60% birthmoms reside in California.
- Cost varies but ranges from $10,000-$25, 000. It depends on the mother's situation.
This one is not a stat, but I got asked a lot... No, we don't get to choose the sex of the child but that's ok with us. Either is fine. Although, David wants an athlete so it has to be really strong. We do get to specify ethnicity, medical condition, etc. Obviously the more open you are, the easier it will be to make a match.